Marijuana Grow Journal: How-To & Importance of keeping one
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What up GreenBox Growers, and welcome back to the most lit cannabis grow Channel! Now today’s video is all about the importance of keeping a grow Journal so you can keep track of everything you do with your cannabis plants over the entire course of your grow. Keeping notes about everything you do with your cannabis plants in a diary is going to be really helpful because it’s going to allow you to learn from your mistakes and improve on your gross, it’s also going to help you when issues arise with your plans because you’ll be able to look back on your notes and see maybe what you did in the past that could have caused that issue to happen.
And then of course it is always going to keep you up-to-date on Where You Are in the course of your Grow, what watering you were on, what stage of flowering or vegetation you are in and all of those other details so you know what the next steps are to take with your plants. Now there are plenty of apps and websites that you can use to help keep track of your grow Journal such as grow buddy, but I prefer going the old-fashioned way of just using a notebook and a pencil. So it’s up to you on what preference you like to use, I just like the notebook because it is easier for me and it is my preferred style of keeping track of everything I do.
Now before I get started with today’s video, I want to remind you guys to check out this link below our how to grow videos as they provide step by step directions on everything you need to know about cannabis growing. And also right now when you sign up, you get a two-week free trial with it, no commitment necessary. So just visit that same link right there on the screen and it will take you to the page where you can sign up for those videos. Alright so now that you guys know what we are doing and today’s video, let’s go head out into the garage where the Grow rooms are so we can do a little example of how I keep my grow journal and the notes that I take on a daily basis.
All right guys here we are out in the garage with the different grows that are currently going on at the moment, and I just did my grow journal for the day on this grill right here. This is my NukeHeads grow I’ve got 6 NukeHeads Genetics seeds growing in here or plants growing in here. They just started week 2 of flower and you can see they are already showing some nice signs of Bud development from those pistils at the bud sites. So let me show you guys what I jotted down for today’s video or for todays Journal entry.
Here is a cool little shot from below the canopy, or sort of from the lower side of it. And then also directly below where the lollipopping took place. So here is my journal entry from today for the grow, and here you will see first off I started with the date over here, so June 1st 2018. And then it is week 9 which is the overall duration of the grow, day 1 of week 9 I have as well, and then also day 8 of flour as I said this is the first day of week too. So first thing, day temperature was 76 degrees Fahrenheit and then last night it was about 69 degrees Fahrenheit so I added those. And then an average relative humidity of 57%.
So those are three important metrics that you want to track throughout the grow with your grow Journal, just because you want to make sure that they’re always in the right range and optimal conditions for your plants.
You will also be able to see what strength you did you last make sat so that you’ll know if you need to increase or decrease based on how the plant has reacted to it. Now for more help, don’t forget to check out my step by step bro videos at the link on the screen right here. And again those come with a two-week free trial when you subscribe so once you visit that link, just scroll down to the bottom of the page and you will see some videos with a subscribe button overlaid on them. All you got to do is Click those and sign up and that will automatically give you that two week free trial, no charge necessary. I hope you guys enjoyed today’s video and as always thank you guys for watching until next time…
Happy Growing!!!