Tag: weed
MAKING & EATING SPECIAL BROWNIES with RSO | Florida Medical Marijuana
Written by thcscout on . Posted in Baking. No Comments on MAKING & EATING SPECIAL BROWNIES with RSO | Florida Medical Marijuana
• I used a recipe from Chocolate Covered Katie!
– Link to the recipe I used: https://chocolatecoveredkatie.com/2019/09/01/the-ultimate-unbaked-brownies-raw-vegan/
-She is not affiliated with me in any way and her recipes have nothing to do with cannabis.
-I simply want to give her credit since it is her recipe that I used.
-All *I* did was add lecithin and RSO to her recipe (I placed it into the frosting instead of the brownies).
Please enjoy this video chronicle about me trying to follow a gorgeous raw, vegan brownie recipe and screwing it up royally.
• What is RSO? From Leafly: https://www.leafly.com/news/cannabis-101/what-is-rick-simpson-oil
-I thought it would be as simple as adding RSO to a recipe that would work without a hitch.
Follow my Instagram! @helloelliek
Email me: [email protected]
How Far Cannabis Legalization Has Come This Decade | Opinions | NowThis
Written by thcscout on . Posted in Legalization. No Comments on How Far Cannabis Legalization Has Come This Decade | Opinions | NowThis
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In US news and current events today, NowThis News is discussing the decade in weed and how far the legalization movement has come over the last ten years. Medical marijuana is legal in some form in 34 states. The Green Rush for legal weed is already in full swing, and marijuana legalization is poised to go even farther in the next decade.
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Hundreds line up for marijuana seeds
Written by thcscout on . Posted in Seeds. No Comments on Hundreds line up for marijuana seeds
How to smoke weed for weed beginners
Written by thcscout on . Posted in Beginners. No Comments on How to smoke weed for weed beginners
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How To Grind Your Weed By Hand [Step By Step & Easy]
Written by thcscout on . Posted in Beginners. No Comments on How To Grind Your Weed By Hand [Step By Step & Easy]
Email: [email protected]
Any gifts can be sent to:
David Rock
Po box 24501 WEST HILL
For my 10th “how to” video I will be showing you how to grind your cannabis by hand.
What you need: Cannabis, Paper, Cardboard, Packer, Patience
Tips & Tricks: Gently Pull Cannabis Off Stem Into .3 Nugz
Pull Cannabis From Bottom Of Nug Into Pieces Smaller
Than The Cut
Positives: No Stems In Your Joint
Not Squishing & Breaking The Cannabis
Most Flavour & Thc Intact
Negatives: Takes A Very Long Time
Your Hands Will Smell & Be Sticky
Please note that weed effects may differ from person to person and must only be used legally & with caution.
Cannabis Alcohol Tincture Marijuana Tips & Tricks with Bogart #19 Marijuana Moonshine
Written by thcscout on . Posted in Cooking. No Comments on Cannabis Alcohol Tincture Marijuana Tips & Tricks with Bogart #19 Marijuana Moonshine
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Cooking with Marijuana Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBDZKmlpmuk&list=SP2kPvXsoZWzSISum8FTU64-mxkOGJqGV-&index=1
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BOGART’S FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/BogartWeedTips
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TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/#!/ruffhousestudio
HOW WE GOT HERE: Cashing in on legalized marijuana
Written by thcscout on . Posted in Legalization. No Comments on HOW WE GOT HERE: Cashing in on legalized marijuana
Cannabis use has been becoming more and more mainstream in the Mitten state since medical marijuana was legalized a decade ago. But the vague 2008 law resulted in legal mayhem for medical marijuana patients and caregivers — and the industry was mostly underground.
Once lawmakers added regulations in 2016 the medical marijuana market went corporate, setting the stage for the 2018 legalization vote.
Now more than half a year after Michigan voters approved the ballot proposal, there are still no retail stores where people can legally buy marijuana due to bureaucratic processes. But that doesn’t mean people aren’t smoking it if they’ve got it.
State officials recently issued rules that will guide the start of the industry — and some predict the first sales will happen in the first months of 2020.
11 things to know about Michigan’s new recreational marijuana rules
Michigan towns and cities have three months left to ban recreational marijuana
Tracking legal weed: How marijuana is regulated from seed to sale in Michigan
Can I smoke weed on my lunch break? What Michigan workers should know about recreational marijuana
When can I buy marijuana in Michigan?
Not on Main Street: Michigan communities confront legal weed
How We Got Here was produced by MLive.com backed by funding from the Google News Initiative. More about the series: https://www.mlive.com/news/2019/07/mlive-to-debut-compelling-youtube-series-that-dives-into-michigans-biggest-issues.html
Best Beginner Weed Strains
Written by thcscout on . Posted in Beginners. No Comments on Best Beginner Weed Strains
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How To Roll A Perfect Blunt! Beginner Friendly
Written by thcscout on . Posted in Beginners. No Comments on How To Roll A Perfect Blunt! Beginner Friendly
Vegas 420 back again with another tutorial.
Teaching you how roll a blunt with an Irish Fusion Dutch!
Thanks for watching, follow me on twitter @Vegas4Twenty
Business inquires Email: [email protected]
No laws were broken during the making of this video.
I do not promote the sale or use of any illegal substances.
Mrs. Zazzara by Loxbeats https://SoundCloud.com/loxbeats
Creative Commons— Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
http://Creative Commons.org/license/by/3.0/
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youth.be/Ct2MXTilkdk
Marijuana Country: Inside a Legal Recreational Marijuana Dispensary | CNBC Prime
Written by thcscout on . Posted in Medical. No Comments on Marijuana Country: Inside a Legal Recreational Marijuana Dispensary | CNBC Prime
“Marijuana Country: The Cannabis Boom” Premieres Monday 9p ET/PT.
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Marijuana Country: Inside a Legal Recreational Marijuana Dispensary | CNBC Prime
First sales of Michigan recreational marijuana
Written by thcscout on . Posted in Legalization. No Comments on First sales of Michigan recreational marijuana
Read more about recreational marijuana in Michigan:
How to feed your weed plant !! (Beginner)
Written by thcscout on . Posted in Beginners. No Comments on How to feed your weed plant !! (Beginner)
– 14 drops per Liter every 2 weeks to feed your weed !!
Marijuana & Your Metabolism
Written by thcscout on . Posted in Facts. No Comments on Marijuana & Your Metabolism
The facts behind marijuana use and its effects on your metabolism!
Studies/articles used to support these claims and back up the science:
2) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26548604
3) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18601709
4) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22543671
5) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22430005
6) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21484568
7) http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0304394010015776
8) http://herb.co/2016/02/01/odd-science-behind-marijuana-metabolism/
10) http://www.livestrong.com/article/500573-does-thc-speed-up-your-metabolism/
11) http://www.attn.com/stories/2902/cannabis-effects-on-metabolism
12) http://healthland.time.com/2013/05/21/marijuana-the-next-diabetes-drug/
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Bill that would decriminalize marijuana at federal level passes House vote
Written by thcscout on . Posted in Legalization. No Comments on Bill that would decriminalize marijuana at federal level passes House vote
Can You Overdose on Marijuana? | Marijuana
Written by thcscout on . Posted in Facts. No Comments on Can You Overdose on Marijuana? | Marijuana
Marijuana can’t kill you no matter how much humans have consumed. And people have tried to consume large quantities, either through inhaling the smoke of lots and lots of collected flowers, which is where the active ingredients are found, or they’ve tried to extract the active ingredients from the flowers into solvents like butter or alcohol. Well, too much alcohol can kill you, certainly, but the, it’s the compounds in marijuana even if you ingest a high concentrated variety of it, can’t stop your breathing, can’t cause you to have a seizure, as far as we know, possibly in some cases for people who are predisposed, these things can happen. But generally speaking, there’s been no recorded deaths just related to the use of the drug itself in no matter what quantity you’ve consumed.
Now, you can use too much of something if you were expecting a certain effect. Now, if you wanted to have a stress relieving affect with marijuana but still wanted to be functional and, you know, active you could use so much to the point where you become sedated and maybe a little bit agitated and that phenomenon can cause problems for people. And that’s what we’ve called an overdose, in quotes. It’s not an overdose to the point where you have now, you need to go to the emergency room and you need to be pumped, out of your stomach, or the substance, that kind of phenomenon is not what I’m describing.
Also, you might end up having a paranoid or psychotic reaction with a high use of something that has psychologically activating properties. People call that an acute cannabis psychosis, and that’s been described. Often times that does not lead to any chronic, long term change in your psychological status, like where you’re permanently this way, it clears over the course of a day or less. We’re talking extremely large doses, some of these affects.
Everyone has a different pharmacology, different chemistry, different reaction to drugs so the important thing is that people, when they’re using a psychologically activating substance is that they pace themselves, that they know how much they’re using, and wait before taking more. And that very commonly happens when you take marijuana orally, like in foods or dissolved things, there’s a large delay in the onset, sometimes can be up to an hour, hour and a half. And by that time, if you are waiting for an effect and have used more and more, you can have a kind of, an unpleasant surprise, a high amount sedation or, as I was mentioning, agitation.
With smoking or inhalation and vaporization, the onset is more immediate so you’re really able to just gauge in within a minute or two whether this is the right amount, whether you’re trying to relieve a symptoms or you’re trying to achieve a certain psychological state. And that’s important when you’re in a social setting and using marijuana or you’re sharing with other people, people will have different set points and that’s, I think, the key thing to remember.
How to tell if a Cannabis seed is BAD! Most Stoniest Advise
Written by thcscout on . Posted in Seeds. No Comments on How to tell if a Cannabis seed is BAD! Most Stoniest Advise
Cannabis Will Eventually Be Legalized Federally, Cowen CEO Says
Written by thcscout on . Posted in Legalization. No Comments on Cannabis Will Eventually Be Legalized Federally, Cowen CEO Says
Medical Marijuana – A Clinical Perspective | Facebook Live
Written by thcscout on . Posted in Medical. No Comments on Medical Marijuana – A Clinical Perspective | Facebook Live
Where Did Marijuana Come From, And How Did It Spread?
Written by thcscout on . Posted in Grow. No Comments on Where Did Marijuana Come From, And How Did It Spread?
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Up until 2015 there was a ban on cannabis research so there will be much more information readily available soon. But where did this plant come from and how did it make its way into your house?
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Previous Series:
Who Came Up With Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds?: http://www.seeker.com/who-came-up-with-days-hours-minutes-and-seconds-1843353492.html
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White House Removes Obstacle To Medical Marijuana Research:
“Barack Obama’s administration on Monday took a step toward supporting research into the medical properties of marijuana, lifting bureaucratic requirements that long stifled scientific research.”
Richard E. Schultes, 86, Dies; Trailblazing Authority on Hallucinogenic Plants:
“In 1941, Dr. Schultes traveled to the Colombian Amazon, where he would spend most of his field research, and an area Spruce had studied. At first, Dr. Schultes concentrated on plants that produced curare.”
Marijuana’s History: How One Plant Spread Through the World:
“From the sites where prehistoric hunters and gatherers lived, to ancient China and Viking ships, cannabis has been used across the world for ages, and a new report presents the drug’s colorful history.”
Does Cannabidiol Protect Against Adverse Psychological Effects of THC?:
“The recreational use of cannabis can have persistent adverse effects on mental health. Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the main psychoactive constituent of cannabis, and most, if not all, of the effects associated with the use of cannabis are caused by THC.”
Hemp: Plant:
“Hemp, plant of the genus Cannabis (family Cannabaceae) that is cultivated for its fibre (bast fibre) or its seeds, which contain about 30 percent oil and may be eaten.”
Industrial Hemp: A Win-Win For The Economy And The Environment:
“What has to occur is a change in the federal policy to essentially revise the definition of “marijuana” so that the term excludes industrial hemp, and then enact specified procedures and requirements relating to growing industrial hemp and those who cultivate industrial hemp.”
Chemical Ecology Of Cannabis:
“The production of cannabinoids and their associated terpenes in Cannabis is subject to environmental influences as well as hereditary determinants. Their biosynthesis occurs in specialized glands populating the surface of all aerial structures of the plant.”
“How to tell whether your horny plant is male, female or hermaphrodite. The flowering process for both males and females begins when plants are exposed to compete darkness for 12 or more continuous hours per day.”
+ + + + + + + +
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Written by thcscout on . Posted in Beginners. No Comments on SMOKING WEED FOR 24 HOURS!
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My name is Nate
I’m a Canadian stoner and this is my life!
For business or product reviews ect.
Email me at: [email protected]
18+ intended for adult users under Bill C-45
A Guide to Being a Licensed Marijuana Producer (w/ Justin Dhaliwal)
Written by thcscout on . Posted in Grow. No Comments on A Guide to Being a Licensed Marijuana Producer (w/ Justin Dhaliwal)
The market has been projected to be worth more than $10 billion. For some, that suggests the marijuana industry is going to be a gold rush – that is until you look inside.
It is a labyrinth of rules, regulations, background checks, banks that won’t give you an account, a reliance on investors and there are no guarantees you’ll get a license. The government won’t be propping you up; in fact it will be watching you very closely to ensure your products meet exacting standards and that everything you do conforms to the law.
There are, however, entrepreneurs who think it’s worth the risk. And risk is the operative word. Just because marijuana and the production of it will become legal in Canada, it doesn’t mean it’s legal anywhere else except Uruguay. The United States has already stated that if you work in or invest in marijuana you could be banned from entry to the US for life.
We invited medical marijuana entrepreneur Justin Dhaliwal to join us for a Conversation That Matters about the process, the risks and the benefits of obtaining a license to produce cannabis.
Simon Fraser University’s Centre for Dialogue presents Conversations That Matter. Join veteran Broadcaster Stuart McNish each week for an important and engaging Conversation about the issues shaping our future.
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Seed to Strain: DNA Genetics Amsterdam and LA Confidential
Written by thcscout on . Posted in Seeds. No Comments on Seed to Strain: DNA Genetics Amsterdam and LA Confidential
In this episode of Seed to Strain, we sit down with Aaron – co-founder of DNA Genetics Amsterdam – to discuss his creation LA Confidential and the nuanced world of seeds.
Aaron breaks down the differences between cannabis seeds and their strains, as well as discusses the role that terpenes play in dictating the flavor and effect of those strains.
DNA Genetics
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DRUG HOUSE OF HORROR: Landlord ruined after tenant converts rental home into marijuana grow house
Written by thcscout on . Posted in Grow. No Comments on DRUG HOUSE OF HORROR: Landlord ruined after tenant converts rental home into marijuana grow house
How To Order Cannabis Seeds Online (ILGM Website Review)
Written by thcscout on . Posted in Seeds. No Comments on How To Order Cannabis Seeds Online (ILGM Website Review)
Medical Marijuana Drops for Nausea and Pain
Written by thcscout on . Posted in Medical. No Comments on Medical Marijuana Drops for Nausea and Pain
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Wooden shower chair: https://amzn.to/36xgGWW
Waterproof heart rate/fitness tracker: https://amzn.to/2oNJIAU
Fitbit: https://amzn.to/2pBBUSY
Paid links
How to Treat Weed Dealers, According to a Weed Dealer
Written by thcscout on . Posted in Beginners. No Comments on How to Treat Weed Dealers, According to a Weed Dealer
Graphics Attribution:
The Noun Project: Handshake [This graphic has been modified] By Amy Morgan
The Noun Project: Marijuana Leaf [This graphic has been modified] By Edward Boatman
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Police bust marijuana grow operation in Detroit
Written by thcscout on . Posted in Grow. No Comments on Police bust marijuana grow operation in Detroit
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Marijuana 101: A newbie’s guide to pot
Written by thcscout on . Posted in Beginners. No Comments on Marijuana 101: A newbie’s guide to pot