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The Harms of Marijuana

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We’ve talked in the past about the positives of Marijuana use. What are the harms? From pregnancy effects to impaired driving to memory and concentration, Aaron will tell you how pot might hurt you.


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John Green — Executive Producer
Stan Muller — Director, Producer
Aaron Carroll — Writer
Mark Olsen – Graphics
Meredith Danko – Social Media

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MARIJUANA: Is it harmful to health? – Marijuana Facts and Effects on the Body

MARIJUANA: Is it harmful to health? – Marijuana Facts and Effects on the Body

QuiT Marijuana; The Complete Guide:

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There’s just no way to talk about marijuana without someone completely misinterpreting what I say. Some of you are going to call me a fascist for saying anything bad about pot. Others are going to attack me for not coming down on it hard enough. But the truth of the matter is that many things that are far more dangerous than pot are totally legal in this country. That’s not my opinion, it’s what scientific studies show us. No one is saying marijuana is totally safe. But is it so bad for you that it should be illegal, even though it has benefits? Watch and decide. Happy weed day.

And, yes, we do know about the new study on brain development, which came out long after we taped. But as with a lot of research, it’s being totally misinterpreted by the media. Go check out the references to see a nice article where the author of the study says the same thing.

Inspired by ”Is Marijuana Harmful to Health?” created by Healthcare Triage:

Inspired by ”Weed is not more dangerous than alcohol” created by Vox:

Inspired by ”Study Reveals The TRUE Damage Of Marijuana Use” created by The Young Turks:

Inspired by ”Is Weed Actually Bad For You?” created by Science Plus:

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health problem, cannabis use, tooth loss, dental health problems,
effects of the drug, cocaine use, Sweden, excess mortality, direct cause of death, harmful dose marijuna usa, Marijuana Facts, Marijuana Effects.