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Tag: weed

Best Indoor Grow Tent Kits – How To Setup Your Indoor Home Garden

✅ Try Out The Tent Configurator:

👍 Grow Tent Kit Instruction Manual:

Looking to invest in a grow tent? Check out this quick demo set-up video of grow tents for portable indoor gardens before you buy!

Everything you need to know about cooking with cannabis!

Happy 1 year anniversary to Life Above the Clouds! Here are the tips and tricks that I’ve learned in 1 year of making cannabis cooking videos, and everything you need to know to make successful cannabis recipes at home! See the written tips and tricks at

How to decarboxylate your cannabis
My favorite way to make cannabis butter or oil

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Life Above the Clouds is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Be advised that possessing and consuming cannabis is not sanctioned by US federal law.

Can Marijuana Help Multiple Sclerosis? | Marijuana

Watch more Marijuana Facts & Medical Marijuana videos:

Marijuana has been shown in studies to relieve the symptoms associated with multiple sclerosis. Symptoms like spasticity and severe central pain. In some studies, there are indications that marijuana might be useful to slow the progression of multiple sclerosis which is a very promising idea given that multiple sclerosis often becomes very degenerating and neurodegenerative disorder where patients lose the ability to walk and other essential functions.

So the studies that I’m talking out, the biggest ones were done with a marijuana-based extract that was made in an undisclosed greenhouse in England somewhere in the countryside. A company has grown marijuana and extracted it into a solvent of liquid carbon dioxide. Using that solvent, using preparation, they’ve given that preparation to large numbers of multiple sclerosis patients in clinical studies. And they give it to them over time and they compare it with a placebo. And they try to see if they get improvements in their spasticity and their pain. Spasticity is a painful, kind of, muscle spasm or tightness.

And it turns out that marijuana can, this marijuana spray was able to relieve the symptoms of these patients so well, so effectively, that the national governments in England and in Canada have given that government, or sorry, given that pharmaceutical company the right to sell this marijuana spray as a treatment for multiple sclerosis related symptoms. It is stocked in the pharmacies and you can have your doctor prescribe it. And actually, the number of countries that have approved this is growing. And it turns out that in those studies that have been used with the marijuana spray in multiple sclerosis patients that over a long period of time they were able to increase their does if they wanted to or needed to to relieve the symptoms and over a year or more they never increased the dose of the medicine, which indicates that their symptoms were stable and their disease wasn’t, possibly you could say that the disease wasn’t worsening.

So you can imagine that if a spray works like that, it’s certainly possible that an inhalation of the actual herbal material that the company has been using to make their product could also be beneficial for these patients. And that has been shown in a study in California by a group led by Dr. Cory Bloom. They recently published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal that painful spasms can be relieved with using the smoke of marijuana as a treatment. That was a government funded study as well.

So there’s extremely exciting treatments that are on the horizon for MS patients and we already know that it can be useful in their, with patients who have that condition in really gold standard studies. So it’s really a matter of finding out if we can slow the disease progression and what kind of preparations will make the best difference for what types of MS syndromes.

Museum of Weed offers history on marijuana and legalization

The Weedmaps Museum of Weed, a 30,000-square-foot deep dive into the world of cannabis, has sprouted temporarily (through Sept.ember 29) on the very southern edge of Hollywood, not far from Larchmont Boulevard, one of the city’s most lively — and walkable — shopping districts. While fans of “the devil’s lettuce” could easily burn through a full four hours at the museum alone — which includes an onsite cafe and well-stocked museum gift shop — most visitors should plan to spend about half that amount of time touring the exhibitions and the other half on the two-block stretch of Larchmont between Beverly Boulevard and 1st Street.


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How to Grow Medical Marijuana Indoors-A Beginner Grower Guide to Growing Medical Cannabis

How to Grow Medical Marijuana Indoors-
Get Free Cannabis Seeds here:

Thanks for checking out this video where I am showing you how to grow medical marijuana indoors as a beginner grower. This guide will be extremely helpful for learning what all you will need to get started and growing marijuana indoors as well as the steps you will need to take to start off on the right foot.

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#1: Germinating/Prepping Cannabis Seeds

In this video link, I will be explaining how to prepare seeds for germination and how to increase your chances of germinating older seeds.

What do you do first?
When you start with seeds there are a few things we like to do before we actually place the seed in soil or any other medium of your choice.

The first thing we want to do with our seeds is inspect them. Look for any signs that may indicate a lower chance of germination. The first thing you want to look at is the shell of the seed. If the shell is cracked, it is likely not going to germinate and is best to throw away.

Some other indicators of the likelihood of germination include the age of the seed. Seeds that have not aged, or have recently been harvested from a plant and have not dried, have a lower chance of germinating than mature seeds or older seeds that have been stored in an ideal environment.

If a seed is old but has been stored properly, certain nutrients can be used to increase the likelihood of germination. This process will be explained further.

Check out our blog for more information on Growing Your Four plants:

Please check the Laws of Canada and ensure what your province allows you to do before you start growing your four cannabis plants (Below is an extract from

Adults who are 18 years or older (depending on province or territory) are able to(1):

– Possess up to 30 grams of legal cannabis, dried or equivalent in non-dried form in public
– Share up to 30 grams with other adults
– Purchase cannabis products from a provincial or territorial retailer
– Grow up to 4 plants per residence (not per person) for personal use from licensed seeds or seedlings

(1)Reference Wednesday, 27th March at 8:46pm PST:

Thank you for watching and keep an eye out for the next episode

From your friendly neighborhood PNW Guru


IMPORTANT UPDATE: Since the filming of this video we reached out to our Liquor & Cannabis Regulation Branch – Province of British Columbia to clarify some grey areas. (April 2nd, 08:33am, 2019)

1. Where can I get cannabis seeds?
2. How many seeds can I hold
3. How many seeds can I germinate?
4. When are they classed as plant? At what point if I germinate more than 4 seeds am I breaking the law.

Dear William,

Your email of March 13, 2019 sent to the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch, within the Ministry of Attorney General, has been forwarded to the Cannabis Legalization and Regulation Secretariat, within the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General, for response. Thank you for your questions regarding the possession of cannabis seeds and cultivation of cannabis plants.

You have asked where to obtain non-medical cannabis seeds. Seeds can legally be purchased in-person from BC Cannabis Stores (, online at the BC Cannabis Stores website, or in-person at licensed private retailers. The availability of seeds varies by location.(

Adults 19+ can possess up to 30 seeds in public and possess up to 1,000 seeds in a location other than a public place (for example, at home). It is legal to germinate up to four seeds at any one time. A cannabis plant is classified as a plant from the moment it germinates.

Adults 19+ can legally grow up to four non-medical cannabis plants per dwelling house. If two adults live in the same dwelling, the legal limit of a maximum of four plants remains unchanged.

While adults 19+ can legally grow up to four non-medical cannabis plants per dwelling house, there are additional provisions outlined in the Cannabis Control and Licensing Act that must be adhered to. For example, cannabis plants cannot be visible from a public place off the property, such as parks, streets, sidewalks, sports fields, and K-12 school properties. For more information about growing non-medical cannabis at home please visit

Local governments can also further restrict growing non-medical cannabis at home under existing powers to establish bylaws. You may wish to contact your local government to find out if they have additional restrictions in place.

Thank you for writing and we hope you find this information helpful.


Cannabis Legalization and Regulation Secretariat
Policing and Security Branch
Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General
PO Box 9285, Stn Prov Govt
Victoria, BC V8W 9J7
[email protected]


If you’re unsure with the law within your province please reach out to your local governing body.

Cooking With Cannabis, Kitchen Toke Magazine

Kitchen Toke is the first nationally distributed food magazine focused on exploring and understanding cannabis for recreational and medicinal use. The magazine covers cooking and entertaining seasonally with cannabis along with the chefs and individuals advancing marijuana in food and health. Recipes from the magazine, stories told through video and additional on-trend topics where food and cannabis converge can be found at

Design-driven and published quarterly, Kitchen Toke is the definitive source on cooking with cannabis.

Wake & Bake America 887: Canadian Outdoor, Marijuana DUIs, & Arizona Tea Weed?

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The Dude & Scotty Real Are Hanging Out, Wake & Baking & Talking About Some Interesting Responses To The Ms. Mia Jane Interview, How Growing Cannabis & Food Make You A Better More Connected Person, Impaired Driving From Cannabis After Legalization In Canada, Arizona Tea Trying To Get Into The Cannabis Industry & More On Todays Episode Of Wake & Bake America


Another delivery from seedsman 2019 look at all new strains and cannabis seeds.

Got another package from seedsman 2019 just show off what seeds I got from this seedbanks and a sneak peak of some plans. check out
another great place to buy genetics if you can’t wait for shipping and want your genetics very fast is check them out to.

Cannabis Ice Cream Rolls | how to make Weed Ice Cream with Marijuana & Chocolate / Rolled Ice Cream

Cannabis Ice Cream Rolls | how to make Weed Ice Cream with Marijuana & Chocolate
Fried Thailand rolled ice cream roll

Product: Ritter Sport Schoko & Gras

Don´t smoke weed – better eat ice cream !!

NOTICE: This chocolate contains no THC and no other drugs and also the green Powder is just matcha.
So this Ice Cream Rolls are really edible and legal!
We just produced this video, because a lot of people of our community asked for some Weed Ice Cream Rolls. So we hope you enjoy! 🙂
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Can Marijuana Help Chronic Pain? | Marijuana

Watch more Marijuana Facts & Medical Marijuana videos:

Chronic pain’s a big problem in our country, in the United States and around the world. It can lead to loss of functional work opportunities. It can lead to depression. It can, people take long acting, long term medicines that can potentially cause lethality if used in a high dose, could cause constipation, that cause itching, that cause hypogonadism. All of these problems are from the use of opioids which are derived from the opium poppy which are mainstays in the treatment of chronic pain.

The problems with chronic pain are that it’s disabling and also that the treatments for it can also come with a whole host of very difficult severe to mild side effects. But it turns out that marijuana also is effective in numerous chronic pain syndromes, has been shown in actual clinical studies, controlled trials, especially nerve-type chronic pain syndromes where you have damage to a nerve or some type of situation going on where a nerve-type pain is going out of control and going on for more than three months. And it turns out that if you smoke cannabis, in clinical studies, compared to a placebo cannabis, you can get greater than 30 to 40 percent reduction of pain in a large percentage of those subjects compared to placebo. That’s been shown over and over.

And then in the basic studies where they use animals and try to, like, develop models for pain, every model that you develop for pain in those models, cannabis or cannabinoids relieves pain. So it’s really a natural or well-established pain relieving compound. In some cases, you might be able to reduce. If you use cannabis or marijuana in your pain treatment you can reduce the risk of other treatments that may be more toxic. In some cases you can go off of all other treatments. I’ve seen patients like that.

I’ve written up some review articles like in the Clinical Journal of Pain called Cannabinergic Pain Medicine as a whole field of subfield in pain itself relies on the system in the body that’s called the cannabinoid system that actually helps to send pain signals up and down in the body and actually helps our natural pain, one of our natural pain suppressing systems. And also, these different compounds called cannabinoids in cannabis that have been shown to relieve pain. It’s itself a whole field in pain.

So in clinical journals of pain it turns out that there is actually articles about the use of cannabinoids, which are the chemicals in cannabis, as its own treatment system for pain because the system in the body that the cannabinoids interact with is itself involved in our pain pathways.

So there is a huge interest in literature in the world of pain treatment which relies on all the science that we have accumulated with how cannabis works in the body.

#3: Transplanting Your Cannabis Seeds Into Pots

The next step after planting your seeds into Jiffys is to transplant them into pots. We can’t do this until the seeds have sprouted and roots have grown through the Jiffy.

In this video demonstration we have seeds that have sprouted and are showing their true leaves, which indicates that the seeds have started to root, but have yet to grow roots through the Jiffy. We decided to transplant anyways because the seedlings have begun to stretch due to the light being placed too far from the plants; forcing them to reach for the light.

Lights should be kept about 6” from the top of the plant to reduce the risk of stretching. Older lights can also cause stretching because they tend to emit less intensive light. If your light bulbs are over a year old, you should consider replacing them.

Before we start the transplanting process, we want to make sure that the Jiffy plug has been soaked in a B vitamin solution; this will reduce the risk of the medium surrounding the roots from drying out and causing extreme stress or even death.

Once the Jiffy plug has been soaked we can then proceed transplanting into pots. Because two of the plants have stretched and two had slow growth, we want to take this opportunity to have them grow evenly. We can do this by placing the plants that have stretched lower in the pot, while keeping the shorter plants closer to the top.
We will start with the stretched plants by putting a bit of soil at the bottom of the pot, make sure it is enough to cover the drainage holes. We then place the Jiffy at the bottom and fill the rest of the pot with soil. Placing the stretched plant closer to the bottom of the pot will reduce the height of the plant above the soil, making it look smaller in height.

Make sure to adjust how your plant sits in the pot at this point. Try not to compress the soil too much while doing this. Once you are satisfied with how your plant looks use the same B vitamin solution to water the new medium you have transplanted your plant into.
Make sure to water the soil surrounding the Jiffy and don’t water too close to the stalk of the plant. This will reduce the risk of rotting the stalk and killing your plant. This will also help reduce the risk of the Jiffy plug drying out before you can water it again. Continue the same process for any stretched plants that you may have.

The same process can be used for shorter plants. The only difference is that you would place the plant closer to the top of the pot, filling the rest of the pot with soil. Adjust the plant and water in the same manner. All plants should be the same height, give or take a couple of centimeters, once you have finished transplanting.

Keep a close eye on the plants for the next 24 hours to make sure the medium does not dry out entirely. You should have to water again within a 48 hour period. Continue using a B vitamin solution for the second watering.

From your friendly neighborhood PNW Guru

Can Marijuana Help Chemotherapy? | Marijuana

Watch more Marijuana Facts & Medical Marijuana videos:

The use of marijuana to mitigate the effects of chemotherapy has been
around for almost 30 years or more in the United States. In fact, the very
first wave of medical marijuana laws were in the 70’s and early 80’s and
they were geared toward patients using marijuana in studies who were
receiving cancer chemotherapy. The amazing thing is the marijuana has a
dramatic effect on relieving nausea and vomiting associated with

Turns out there are receptors or meaning little locks, molecular locks in
the part of your brain stem that are involved in the vomiting circuit, the
nausea circuit. Those locks are actually the keys, the chemical keys that help to
change those locks situation is found in marijuana and so like lock fits a
key or a key fits into a lock, marijuana can directly chemically change
your state of nausea and vomiting.

So that has a huge impact. It’s been studied in clinical studies and been show
to relieve chemotherapy related nausea and vomiting. Also the government helped
to back studies to make certain chemicals, single molecule pills derived
from marijuana compounds and those have been approved by the FDA for the
relief of nausea and vomiting in chemotherapy. Without this discovery, we
really wouldn’t have moved medical marijuana as far forward as we have

Oncologists are surveyed even in prestigious medical centers, even as far as
in the early 90’s were reporting a large percentage that they would be
recommending marijuana to their patients to tolerate the effects of
chemotherapy. It turns out nowadays, we even know that marijuana has anti-
cancer chemicals in it that we’ve been able to show that some compounds in
marijuana can kill cancer cells in Petri dishes and animals and in one human

So some groups have called for the use of marijuana compounds in chemotherapy
regimen themselves, so that’s a very exciting development and can
potentially help to relieve not just the effects of cancer related
chemotherapy, but cancer itself. So marijuana has a lot of promise in this

The Incredible Rise of Legalized Marijuana

There is a potent case to be made for the budding industry of Marijuana for 2020. There has been a pretty big growth spike in the industry as of 2019 since more countries are legalizing the recreational use of weed. Watch this video to find out more about the industry’s progress and increasing consumer base. Who knows how high this industry could go??
What do you think? Let us know in the comments and let us know what ideas and topics you’d like to discuss next? :
#marijuana #industrygrowth #weed

Why Beginners Should Grow Autoflower

In this video I talk about the advantages of growing cannabis autoflower for beginners or first time growers. The experience is very rewarding and relatively easy, and there is nothing like smoking autoflowering weed that you cultivated yourself!
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Australia's Underground Medicinal Marijuana Growers

At this time in Australia, only a “defined group of patients” have access to medicinal cannabis, including children with “severe intractable epilepsy”. But while the government embarks on the long process of implementing legal medicinal cannabis schemes for those beyond the current legislation, desperate patients have been forced to source medicine from the black market.

In Stealthcare, VICE embeds with illegal growers and the patients they service, exploring the issues surrounding access to medicinal cannabis. These growers, essentially cannabis enthusiasts, often donate their product for little or no cost, at great personal risk. Scarred by jealous drug dealers, police raids and government persecution, these “Compassion Clubs” are forced to operate on the black market where they can deliver the medicine to sufferers.

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Edible marijuana in Canada's future

Legal marijuana is coming to Canada, but the smoking may be overshadowed by the eating.
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Medical Cannabis Debate | Australians left in pain limited access to drug | Sunday Night

Pete Evans joins Sunday Night as a special guest reporter to weigh up the pros and cons of the cannabis. It’s been claimed to save lives, but are there dangerous consequences? Decide for yourself.

This story originally aired on the 4th August 2019.

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I Germinated Cannabis Seeds

This documentary Depicts the cultivation of legal medical Cannabis in the state of California. Caligreen channel insist that you do not attempt to recreate any of the activities shown within this video.





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Products Used in the Video

Dixie cups

Sandwich Bags

Paper Towels

Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil

Outdoor Grow Bigger Buds Flower Nutrient Secrets for Week 3 and 4

#outdoorgrow #cannabis #flowernutrients Hello everyone and thanks for joining me back.remember that we are a legal marijuana grow and this is our farm and how we do it every single row is a little bit different. Every single plant is different. cannabis has flowers so that is what we are going to try to make bigger and better. today we are talkin about week three and week 4 of flower and upping the nutrients we want bigger buds that are sweeter and taste better. well how do we get that well there are couple ingredients that I talked about in my video and I will leave the links below. Sometimes I use molasses. Pottasium and phosphorus is very important too. Along with foliar sprays. Green magic is what we like to make naturally. but if you just get some to start and see how it works cause it does lol 😂 then get some

Secret ingredient mollasses –

Flower Nutrients monopottasium phosphate-

nutrient line I also trust npk raw cal mag

Silica how I make my plants stronger than anyone else you’ve seen.

foliar spray Green Magic

great white
grow trays

if you buy off the links it does help since YouTube doesn’t pay well for weed grow videos lol it’s basically like a nice tip to me for my education 😁 lol IDK thanks everyone anyone’s I’m high!

Lawn Care 101: How to Weed, Seed, Feed, Mow, & Water

Lawn Care 101. Learn lawn care basics: how to weed, seed, feed, mow, & water.

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Marijuana Moms in Beverly Hills

Marijuana Moms in Beverly Hills


A CONTROVERSIAL group of women who say smoking marijuana makes them better parents meet for a cannabis infused dinner party in Beverly Hills, California. The ‘marijuana moms’ are one of a number of groups popping up all over California where medicinal marijuana use is legal. Mum-of-two Cheryl Shuman hosts parties every month where women can try new strains of the drug. Fellow group member January Thomas smokes marijuana up to five times per day while looking after her 2-year-old daughter, Zeena.

Videographer / Director: Laurentiu Garofeanu
Producer: Jack Mckay
Editor: Ben Churcher

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Week 2 Flower Big Outdoor Marijuana Grow 2019

#outdoorgrow #marijuana #cannabis This is our video of week 2 of flower. This is our big outdoor grow of marijuana in our garden. we are trying to show you different educational and resources so that if you are growing any plant you can be successful. Week two of flower is fun different strains smells. This is the last time you should be topping and cloning to save strains. It’s important to know genetics and when these are going to finish flowering. Flowering is different for every strain.