Tag: marijuana legalization
New Poll Shows Shift on Marijuana Legalization
Written by thcscout on . Posted in Legalization. No Comments on New Poll Shows Shift on Marijuana Legalization
The picturesque town near the New Mexico border, once a vibrant, upscale community dotted with luxury hotels, is being overrun by panhandlers – thanks, in part, to the legalization of marijuana.
The town suddenly became a haven for recreational pot users, drawing in transients, panhandlers and a large number of homeless drug addicts, according to officials and business owners. Many are coming from New Mexico, Arizona and even New York.
“Legalized marijuana has drawn a lot of kids here from other states and the impact has not all been good,” said Marinseck, 58, while holding a cardboard sign asking for “help.”
Several people holding cardboard signs could be seen along the streets of Durango now. Some just ask for marijuana, or imply that’s what they want with a photo of a green pot leaf. But it’s not just pot users being drawn to Durango.
“[The] city really started freaking out when they started seeing needles in the streets” said Marinseck, a self-avowed former hippie.
Caleb Preston, a store manager in a gift shop and a former “street entertainer,” said the homeless and panhandling issue in Durango has gotten out of hand since the state legalized marijuana.
“Just this year there has been a major influx of people between 20 to 30 who are just hanging out on the streets,” Preston said. “The problem is while many are pretty mellow, there are many more who are violent.”
Preston said he’s become accustomed to kicking out vagrants who perch themselves in front of his store.
“Most of the kids here are from out of state, and I would say it has a lot to do with the legalized pot,” said Preston.
He said he’s also noticed an uptick in crime in the area. Shoplifting, he said, has become a major problem in Durango and business owners are becoming fed up.
The city’s Business Improvement District held a meeting May 12 to review the results of a survey completed by local businesses on how to address the panhandling issue, which has become an urgent matter as the city enters its busy summer tourist season.
Among the suggestions were stricter laws for panhandling and loitering, strategic placement of obstacles such as bistro tables and flower boxes to discourage sitting and lying on sidewalks. They also proposed launching a campaign discouraging tourists to give money to the pan handlers. A rudimentary effort is already in place with handwritten signs encouraging donations be made to charities that help the homeless rather than handing panhandlers’ money directly.
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What Will Recreational Marijuana Legalization Mean for California? Q&A with Lynne Lyman
Written by thcscout on . Posted in Legalization. No Comments on What Will Recreational Marijuana Legalization Mean for California? Q&A with Lynne Lyman
See the full text at Reason.com: http://reason.com/reasontv/2016/08/22/what-will-recreational-marijuana-legaliz
HOW CA WILL LEGALIZE WEED IN 2016: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAdDdgHYbCc
“This [marijuana legalization] initiative goes further than any iniative in the world,” says Lynne Lyman, California State Director for the Drug Policy Alliance, speaking of Prop 64, the 2016 ballot initiative calling for the legalization of commerical marijuana sales in California. “We’re really setting a new floor for what marijuana legalization should include.”
Lyman sat down with Reason TV’s Zach Weissmueller to discuss the details of Prop 64, from taxation and regulation to criminal justice reforms to resolving the tension between medical and commercial marijuana. They also took general questions about marijuana from viewers of the Facebook Live stream and speculated about what legalization in the most populous state in the union might mean for the future of drug policy in America.
This video originally aired live on Reason’s Facebook page on August 10, 2016.
Correction: The graphic of the United States shown at the start of the video highlights Wyoming instead of Colorado. We regret the error.
Approximately 20 minutes. Shot by Alex Manning and Justin Monticello. Music by Jazzhar.
Visit http://reason.com/reasontv for downloadable versions of this video, and subscribe to Reason TV’s YouTube channel for daily content like this.
Why Big Pharma is Blocking Marijuana Legalization in Arizona
Written by thcscout on . Posted in Legalization. No Comments on Why Big Pharma is Blocking Marijuana Legalization in Arizona
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How Colorado is doing since marijuana legalization
Written by thcscout on . Posted in Legalization. No Comments on How Colorado is doing since marijuana legalization