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Tag: marijuana legalization

What has changed in states that have legalized marijuana — and what hasn't | Marijuana

Across the country, more state laws are aligning with voter attitudes about recreational use of marijuana. The wave of cannabis legalization has had a significant influence on individuals, communities and governments, and driven the development of a burgeoning commercial industry. William Brangham begins our series on marijuana with a look at what has changed in states that have legalized it.

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Inside a recreational pot factory in Canada

Questions remain whether there will be enough supply to meet the demand for recreational marijuana when it becomes legal in Canada next week. Brett Ruskin takes us inside a P.E.I. cannabis growing facility, to see how the island’s largest producer plans to meet that demand.

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Marijuana Policy: Separating Scientific Facts from Popular Fiction

Today, 17 states and the District of Columbia have decriminalized marijuana, four states have legalized the drug, and 23 states have passed so-called “medical marijuana” laws – despite the fact – that it is properly listed as a Schedule I controlled dangerous substance and the FDA does not recognize marijuana as a drug. Big marijuana is big business and has added Libertarians and some small government conservatives to its traditional liberal base. Public support for legalization has skyrocketed over the decades, from 12% in the 1970s to 51% today, down seven points from last year. But just as public support has grown, so has the scientific understanding of the real dangers of marijuana. Scores of peer-reviewed studies published in the last two decades show how marijuana affects the brain, heart, lungs and mental health; how marijuana has become more potent and addictive; and how it is nothing like alcohol. Join us as our distinguished experts discuss the pot business, the science behind today’s marijuana, and why Americans should oppose legalization.

The Incredible Rise of Legalized Marijuana

There is a potent case to be made for the budding industry of Marijuana for 2020. There has been a pretty big growth spike in the industry as of 2019 since more countries are legalizing the recreational use of weed. Watch this video to find out more about the industry’s progress and increasing consumer base. Who knows how high this industry could go??
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Retired cop guides Arizona seniors as medical cannabis coach

As medical marijuana has become legal in much of the U.S., more senior citizens are starting to use it to manage pain and opioid addiction. In Arizona, one retired police officer overcame his own personal biases to become a medical cannabis coach. He now teaches some of the state’s elderly population how to use medical marijuana for the first time. Arizona Public Media’s Andrew Brown reports.

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Take a tour of the Aurora Cannabis production facility (in 4K)

Pot profits predicted to soar with legalization on the horizon, so here’s what a facility made to capitalize on the gains will look like.
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Inside a High-End Cannabis Grow House

These beautiful cannabis plants will bring a tear to any stoner’s eye.

The marijuana industry is booming in Colorado, and Silverpeak High Valley farm is raising the bar high for cannabis farming.

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Marijuana Legalization: How Investors Can Profit!

In 2018, global cannabis sales reached $12.2 billion and in 2019, sales should soar to $16.9 billion. Some analysts estimate that annual marijuana sales could eventually reach $166 billion.

While sales likely won’t approach that figure in the next ten years, it’s still clear this opportunity is huge — and that has investors excited.

Marijuana is legal for medical use in more than 40 countries and for recreational use in Canada and Uruguay. In the U.S., 33 states have legalized medical use, and 10 states plus D.C. allow recreational use.

But on a federal level, marijuana remains illegal in the U.S. and is classified by the Drug Enforcement Administration as a Schedule 1 substance.

Future sales growth will be driven by new markets opening, new products, pot companies scaling, and the growth of the U.S. hemp market, which has seen explosive popularity since President Trump signed the U.S. Farm Bill, legalizing hemp products like CBD.

Now that we’ve gotten a lay of the land, let’s discuss how investors find pot stocks that will become multibaggers over time! Let’s start by looking at two different ways to invest in cannabis.

First, is the Pure Play approach, in which you invest in a company directly involved in the marijuana or hemp industries.

The biggest marijuana producers, all based in Canada, are Canopy Growth, Aurora Cannabis, Cronos Group, and Tilray. But they’re not the only pure way to play the market.

Charlotte’s Web sells CBD oil, which doesn’t elicit the “high” effect marijuana is known for. And MedMen operates North American marijuana dispensaries, and its seven California facilities make more in sales per square foot than Apple or Tiffany.

For investors interested in profiting from pot ancillary products, KushCo generates all its revenue from the cannabis industry by selling marijuana packaging solutions.

When you’re analyzing stocks in the cannabis space, look for a couple things in particular:

1. Profitability: Few marijuana stocks are profitable yet. Try to determine how quickly it will become profitable and how it’s funding operations in the meantime.
2. Stock dilution: Pot companies haven’t had traditional access to capital in the past, so many depended on financing through issuing shares, which resulted in diluting the available stock. Look at the shares outstanding and the company’s share issuance history.

Specifically, for marijuana producers, there are two key metrics to know.

1. Peak production capacity: Estimate in kilograms of how much cannabis can be grown under ideal conditions.
2. Cost of sales per gram: The less it costs to produce, the better off a producer will be when supply exceeds demand.

The second way to invest in marijuana stocks is by looking at established companies that have ventured into cannabis either directly, or indirectly. This strategy exposes investors to cannabis’ upside, while protecting returns from the risk that sustainable growth doesn’t pan out.

For example, Corona maker Constellation Brands invested $4 billion into Canopy. Molson Coors Brewing and Anheuser-Busch InBev are also exploring CBD-infused beverage ventures. Cigarette maker Altria bought a 45% stake in Cronos Group. And the e-commerce platform company, Shopify, also enjoys growth from online cannabis sales arrangements with governments and pot companies.

These companies already have rock-solid core businesses, but could enjoy a big boost from the marijuana industry.

When analyzing cannabis stocks, consider the usual core metrics you’d look at for any stock, including revenue growth, net debt, and earnings history. Next, you’ll want to get a feel for how much the company stands to gain or lose from its foray into pot.

Compare its revenue from existing operations and make sure you understand just how big its bet is on the marijuana market.

Are you ready to invest in pot stocks? If you meet these criteria, cannabis might deserve a spot in your portfolio.

First, make sure you don’t need the money for at least five years. Cannabis is a fledgling industry that might not pay off. You need time for your investment to generate a solid rate of return coupled with patience to bear any dips or prolonged weakness.

Second, own other investments. Investing in cannabis is a great supplement to an already diversified portfolio, but it shouldn’t be the only industry you’re investing in.

Finally, know the market and its risks. Only buy cannabis companies you understand.

Not surprisingly, the marijuana market is just like any other industry. You need to understand what you own, otherwise you’re just speculating… not investing.

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How Colorado’s marijuana legalization strengthened the drug's black market

Some states that have legalized marijuana for recreational use have experienced a surge in the drug’s black market activity. In particular, Colorado has become a haven for underground marijuana cultivation, sale and export, prompting questions about how legalization led to some unforeseen consequences. John Ferrugia of Rocky Mountain PBS has the story.

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Marijuana legalization boom struggles to heal past scars of criminalization

As marijuana legalization expands across the country, who is benefiting from the blossoming industry? In most cases, it is a very different population from that which has previously borne the brunt of marijuana criminalization. Millions are still dealing with scars from the war on drugs, leading to deep skepticism that the marijuana industry can get inclusion right. Yamiche Alcindor reports.

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2020 Democrat Vows to Legalize Weed and More | NowThis

If elected, 2020 presidential candidate Kirsten Gillibrand would legalize weed and expunge records for all non-violent cannabis convictions.
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In US news, Kirsten Gillibrand has set herself apart from the rest of the 2020 democratic candidates by proposing nationwide weed legalization law. Recreational marijuana is currently legal in a few states, but Gillbrand, one of the many 2020 democratic presidential candidates, would make federal cannabis legalization a priority. But the 2020 Democrat’s plan wouldn’t just be limited to marijuana legalization. Gillibrand would fight to right the wrongs of the war on drugs as part of her legal marijuana plan. The 2020 Democratic primary for the White House is heating up and we still have over a year to go. If Gillibrand gets elected it might be time to buy more pot stocks.

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IL may become 11th state to legalize marijuana

After passing through the House and Senate, a marijuana legalization measure now heads to the governor’s desk for final authorization.

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How to Invest in Marijuana: Weed Stocks, Medical Marijuana, and Fertilizer Companies

The budding cannabis market is already worth billions of dollars, and it’s expected to grow even more as marijuana momentum accelerates. Those estimates have caught investors eyes, and have left a lot of people wondering: How can I make money investing in marijuana?

In this video, we break down everything you need to know about the cannabis market and marijuana stocks, including:

– The difference between the popular cannabinoids CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol).

– Marijuana’s medical applications for cancer and epilepsy treatments.

– Why states like Colorado are eying this market and seeing a big tax opportunity.

– How countries like Uruguay and Canada are at the forefront of legalized recreational and medicinal efforts.

– The pureplay marijuana stocks, including: Canopy Growth, Aurora Cannabis, and Aphira.

– The biotech companies that have exposure to marijuana, including GW Pharmaceuticals and INSYS Therapeutics.

– The sneaky ways to invest in marijuana, like Scotts Miracle-Gro Company and Constellation Brands.

This video was filmed on August 1st, 2018.

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Marijuana edibles: Everything you need to know

In a second wave of recreational legalization in Canada, cannabis edibles will be permitted for legal sale no later than Oct. 17, 2019, Health Canada has confirmed. And the market is up for grabs.

The edibles industry is expected to be worth $4.1 billion in Canada and the United States by 2022, according to a report by a marijuana market research company called The Arcview.

As of now, in Canada, you can make cannabis-infused food at home but it is illegal for anyone to buy and or sell them to the public.

Canada’s proposed edible pot regulations have been published by Health Canada and the 60-day consultation process has come to an end. The public health agency is now reviewing the responses.

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Something Huge is About to Happen for Pot and Marijuana Stocks

Guess what is about to happen to pot and marijuana stocks?


With legalization of recreational marijuana in Canada on October 17th, it may be the beginning of a ‘buy the rumour, sell the fact,’

Prices of high-flying cannabis companies may be about to tumble down to reality, upon legalization.

In Canada, they very likely may see an immediate decline, while the impacts on American-based pot stocks may also be negative, but perhaps with a slight (or no) delay.

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Marijuana legalization: No changes to procedural questions at border

Now that pot is legal in Canada, travellers crossing into the U.S. should not expect any changes to the procedural questions asked by border security, but agents could take extra precautions if they feel extra questioning or searches are necessary.

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Cannabis legalization 101: How to roll a marijuana joint

With marijuana and recreational cannabis use now legal in Canada, many new users are experimenting with the drug.

One issue newcomers may face in using weed is how best to consume it – Smoke it or take it orally?

Smoking can pose some problems if you do not have the proper paraphernalia or lack the dexterity to roll a proper joint.

If you’re someone who constantly fails at rolling a marijuana joint, here are some quick tips on how to do it right.

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The Looming Cost of Marijuana Legalization | NBC4 I-Team

The cannabis craze has caught fire across the country, with ten states already passing recreational marijuana laws. Now, with legalization on the horizon for the tri-state, Colorado may offer a good example of what life can be like with legal weed.

Marijuana has sparked profitable opportunities for large-scale growers, producers and retail distributors in the Rocky Mountain state. Colorado’s Department of Revenue reported more than $266 million in revenue since recreational marijuana became available for consumption in 2014.

NBC New York went there for a five-part series, “Pot’s Real Price,” examining both the opportunities and the risks in legalization. See Sarah Wallace’s first report here

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Growers Are Ready for Marijuana Legalization in New York | NBC 4 I-Team

New York is on a fast track to legalize marijuana, and growers and entrepreneurs are excited. But not everyone is on board, especially after seeing what’s happened in states like Colorado and California. Sarah Wallace reports in the final installment of a five-part series.

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Pa. Lt. Gov. John Fetterman kicks off marijuana legalization listening tour

Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John Fetterman kicks off his statewide listening tour to gauge Pennsylvanians’ interest in legalizing marijuana, with a first stop in Dauphin County, at the Jewish Federation of Greater Harrisburg, February 11, 2019. Fetterman will be visiting 66 more of the state’s 67 counties to listen to resident’s comments on the topic. (Video by Dan Gleiter/

QRT: Usapin sa Marijuana legalization, muling nabuhay dahil sa sagot ni Miss U 2018 Catriona Gray

Quick Response Team (QRT) is a daily newscast anchored by Emil Sumangil that takes viewers to the scene of a breaking news story. It airs Monday to Friday, 5:15 PM on GMA News TV Channel 11. For more videos from QRT, visit

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