2019 Florida Medical Marijuana Update – MOROF 3-28-19 Presentation
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Rolling out Florida’s medical marijuana legalization effort has been slow for many reasons. One reason that lawmakers have pointed to is a lack of research and data. Lawmakers and industry experts say the lack of research is largely because the federal government has continued to categorize marijuana as a schedule one drug.
This presentation will show how Florida and other states have adapted to legislation so everyone can have more research on the positive and negative effects of marijuana for people who are ill.
Some other topics discussed will be…
1) Overview of Florida Medical Marijuana Law
2) Update on regulatory changes
3) Effects on Medical Marijuana on Florida healthcare businesses
4) The future of Medical Marijuana and Recreational Marijuana in Florida
5) Business opportunities for health care operators and support businesses
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00:01 Introduction
02:39 Presenter Bio
03:18 Florida Medical Marijuana Update
03:30 Michael Patterson NHA, OTR/L, CEAS
07:19 U.S. Cannabis Pharmaceutical Research & Development
10:18 U.S. Cannabis Clients
13:58 U.S. Cannabis Partnerships
17:45 Cannabis Global Industry statistics
18:15 Legal Cannabis Countries
19:46 U.S. Marijuana Market: The Grass is Getting Greener
20:26 Federal Position on Marijuana
22:13 U.S. Cannabis Marketplace
22:32 US Cannabis Marketplace – Consumer/Patient Prevalence
23:22 States Where Marijuana is Legal
24:08 States working to legalize Medical Marijuana (MMJ) in 2019
25:16 States working to legalize Recreational/Adult Use Marijuana in 2019
26:36 Florida legal Cannabis industry
27:40 Three Pillars of Legal Cannabis
29:03 “Unbalanced” System
31:24 State Regulation of Cannabis
34:53 West Coast vs. East Coast
36:08 Choke Points in a State/National Regulated System
39:38 Florida Senate Bill 8-A (F.S. 381.986)
41:55 Qualifying Conditions: FLORIDA
42:58 Florida Health : OMMU
43:50 Medical Marijuana Treatment Centers Update
46:07 New York Post Tom Brokaw Article
46:36 Physician Certification
47:03 Delivery Methods
49:11 2019 Florida MMJ Legal update
54:55 The Future
56:34 Questions?
Other Video Related Content Links…
Florida Medical Marijuana 101: An Overview of Florida Medical Marijuana