
Please consider supporting more content like this by becoming an AARP member: https://www.aarp.org/becomeamember There are now 33 states with medical marijuana programs and 11 states plus DC have legalized recreational use. Learn what doctors and researchers have to say about the effects of medicinal cannabis, including what it can and can’t be used treat. –
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The House Judiciary Committee approved House Bill 136 Wednesday night in Frankfort. House Bill 136 will look to make medical marijuana available for up to 60,000 Kentuckians. The bill legalizes marijuana grown, processed and dispensed in Kentucky to Kentuckians recommended by Kentucky doctors. “This consensus legislation was crafted based on the input of numerous stakeholders,
Why does everyone smoke weed? What is the reason weed is so popular? When did weed become trending? Here are the main reasons weed is the number one drug of choice! This video took me ages to make because *weed*. Leave a comment in regards to the 5th potential reason, and a video about it
Unless they are your closest of friends, you are definitely getting screwed, big time. Ever wondered how weed dealers make a profit? Watch this video and find out! This video is just for local dealers, big scale dealers have other means of making profits from weed dealing. Also, because local dealers usually do not have