edible Marijuana

Marijuana is consumed in many ways this affects the chemical composition of marijuana, resulting in a different ‘high’ depending on the way it is taken. In this video we look at the difference between smoking and taking edibles and how this changes the high and the chemical composition of the drug. Further reading: https://academic.oup.com/jat/article-abstract/16/5/276/797725 https://www.nature.com/npp/journal/v26/n6/abs/1395868a.html
Tinctures are the secret behind fast and easy marijuana infusions. Here Chef Blaine Alexandr of My 420 Tours shows us how to make Phoenix Tears, an essential for anyone medicating with weed edibles! Check out the full process at http://herb.co/recipe/phoenix-tears DON’T BE LEFT IN THE.. UM.. SMOKE. JOIN US! Subscribe for more HERB! http://youtube.com/herbvideo For