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Outdoor Natural Progression of Cannabis From Vegetative to Flowering

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Outdoor Natural Progression of Cannabis From Vegetative to Flowering

Professor DeBacco

Natural Sunlight
With outdoor grows the plants will flower based on the duration of sun that naturally changes with the seasons.
In mid-summer when the days become shorter than 12 hours is when photoperiod dependent varieties will start to flower, regardless of the plants age.
However, be mindful of any light pollution on the plants which can include but not limited to garden lights, street lights, or spotlights.

Timing is Key
With outdoor growing there are set conditions that growers need to plan accordingly.
The calendar will dictate the photoperiod and also the typical weather.
Both play an important role in cannabis plant morphological development

Photoperiod dependent varieties will go into flower based on the photoperiod so the timing of planting needs to be based on the daylength.
Autoflowers may not be impacted by the daylength, but there is still a growing season for many areas which is shorter for those that have a winter season.
Timing is important for outdoor growers that is centered around their chosen planting date.

Photoperiod Dependent… Look at the Calendar
Growers should look at the duration of time that has over 12hours of sunlight and when the critical daylength occurs.
Planning should occur to ensure there is enough time for vegetative growth of the plants to support quality bud production.

Auto Flowering Plants
Autoflowering plants may not change to flower production based on photoperiod, but there are other factors to consider to maximize plant production.
Providing plants with longer days can help increase plant efficiency so this needs to be taken into consideration along with the local weather patterns to catch the optimum growing conditions.

Plant Height
While the plant height can be in part determined by the actual variety being grown this can also be influenced by the timing of planting.
While a bigger plant can theoretically produce more yield a tall plant can be more likely to become wind damaged later in the season.
This is common in areas along coastlines that may get tropical storms/hurricanes.

Staking / Support Options
For outdoor production plant supports are an option, but this may be more applicable for smaller grows.

Also, the material used should be considered as typically plants can get quite large and require a strong support which is often metal rebar.

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Title: Outdoor Natural Progression of Cannabis From Vegetative to Flowering
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Staking / Support Options

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