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Outdoor Marijuana Vegetative Stage Guide | How to Grow Cannabis Outdoors | EP5

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In our next episode of Growing Cannabis Outdoors with Nikki and Swami, we look at how to care for your young cannabis plants. Extreme cold and frost could destroy your crop if you don’t take the necessary measures to protect them. Find out what you should do to keep your young plants safe.

PVC piping proves a handy tool in creating cold frames. Just create the tunnel shape, secure it, and cover them with greenhouse plastic. This tunnel is suitable for any garden size and easily amenable according to the number of plants you have.

For limited space, place a tomato cage over each plant and cover it with a frost cloth.

Ultimately, allowing your plants the freedom to grow outdoors, gives them the opportunity to get stronger and build immunity. Don’t be too quick to intervene as you’d be robbing your young plants of this chance to thrive naturally.

Study your young cannabis plants and know when it’s time to step in with a helping hand.

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