On envy, being careful who we eat with, on cannabis, and third temple
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A moderate, logical, and biblical approach on cannabis and nicotine and 3rd temple around the corner, what did I say?!!! Whoop! Whoop! Keep looking up!
Links to research on cannabis:https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-52847175
Hi, my name is Yahshitaba Yashaira Yahawashi, Mrs. Yah for short. I teach the Scriptures from the Paleo-Hebrew/Greek interlinear. The Holy Spirit plays music through me, and I sing prophetically. Join my channel to enjoyKing Jesus’ Word from a fresh perspective.
While I obtained a master of theology from Liberty, a master of divinity from Corban and am currently undergoing my doctoral studies, I give God alone the glory for all the knowledge and wisdom I possess, along with the boldness to dispense to this last days generation for it is in Christ that is the treasury of all knowledge and wisdom.
For paleo-Hebrew lessons: https://theleap.co/creator/purgeyoursoul/
To support the purchase of better camera and sound equipment: https://paypal.me/inAhlahayam
To listen to music by The I Am’s: https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/theiams/yashashakar-psalms