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Marijuana Use and Its Impact | Fact Check

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The fact that marijuana and cannabis products are increasingly legal doesn’t mean that using marijuana is without risk. For example, marijuana use is the primary reason young people enter substance use treatment. High levels of THC, which is the chemical in marijuana that most affects the brain, has been linked to a variety of mental health problems. Finally, marijuana is the drug most often found in the blood of drivers involved in car accidents.

In our latest video, recovery advocate and mother Carleah Summers provides all the details parents and family members need to know about marijuana – what it is, how it works and the negative effects that could result from using it.

“Problems with marijuana use can be prevented,” Summers says. “The longer teens delay use, the less likely they are to develop a marijuana use disorder or addiction. We can all play a part by supporting policies and programs that prevent or reduce marijuana use among teens and by not normalizing its use as a harmless way to have fun.”

For more information on marijuana and cannabis products and their associated risks, visit these Partnership to End Addiction resources below:

WEB: Marijuana Resource Center – This hub brings together all of our most relevant information for parents and family members to explore.

WEB: Marijuana: What You Need to Know to Help Protect Children, Teens and Young Adults – Check out this deep dive into the details around why kids use marijuana, what the effects can be and what long-term risks exist.

PDF: Marijuana Talk Kit – What parents need to know to talk with their teens about marijuana.

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Partnership to End Addiction is a national nonprofit providing personalized support and resources for families impacted by addiction. With decades of experience in direct services, communications and coalition-building, we mobilize families, policymakers, researchers and health care professionals to more effectively address addiction systemically on a national scale. For more information, visit

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Marijuana Use and Its Impact | Fact Check | Partnership to End Addiction