How To Make Weed Butter: With THCa Flower! (Same Process as Any Flower…) Full Guide in Description
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This guide uses just one or two jars, a pot, your oven and stove, and a few more small things.
Today I’m using an ounce of essential tier flower from LIT Farms, it’s perfect at this price point. Code ‘5off’ gave me 5% off at checkout as well!
We’re making edibles!
Looking for the easiest method to make your own edibles at home? You aren’t alone! This is by far the most common question I receive. You’re in luck though, the process is actually very easy!
Here’s a list of everything you’ll need for this method, as well as several optional items that will make the process much easier, especially if you plan on making this frequently!
●Flower (3.5g – 1oz)
●Butter (or equal amounts coconut oil, ghee, or other fat)
●Mason jar (large enough to fit the flower and butter)
●An oven, a medium pot, and a stovetop
●A coffee filter (Or a thin t shirt)
Highly recommended:
●Digital thermometer
My favorite flower to butter ratio is 7 grams of flower to 1 stick (113 grams) of butter. If I want a stronger product, I’ll use 10 grams per stick, and if I’m baking for a more inexperienced crowd, I’ll just use 3.5 grams per stick.
This can easily be scaled up, I’ll make up to a pound of butter with a full ounce of flower at a time.
The Process:
1. Preheat your oven to 240f.
2. Grind your flower. I like a coarse grind for this. I’ll use my fingers to break it into big chunks, but you can use your grinder if you don’t want to do this.
3. Put your flower in your mason jar, close the lid, and put it directly in your oven on the middle rack for 30-40 minutes. I like to take it out and shake it every 10 minutes, to ensure even heat distribution and to make sure it’s not getting too dark. You want it to be a nice light brown color. I prefer to leave just a little green showing, rather than going completely brown.
This process of putting the flower in the oven is called decarboxylation. Skipping this step may result in lower potency cannabutter.
4. While your flower is in the oven, get your butter separated and cut it in to smaller pieces. You want it all to fit in the same jar easily.
5. Also while flower is still in the oven, fill your pot with enough water to almost submerge your jar, and put it on the stove on medium heat. You want the water to be between 160°f and 180°f. This is where a digital thermometer becomes very useful! You can go without and just try to keep it just below simmering, but your chances of success go way up if you know the exact temp you’re working with.
6. When your flower is properly browned, take the jar out of the oven and let it sit for a few minutes, just to cool it down enough to work with. Once cool, add all your butter to the jar and give it a nice shake. Put the jar in the pot when the water is at 160f – 180f. If you put the jar in the pot before the water is hot, you risk breaking the jar and having to start all over. Nobody wants to eat glass shards!
7. Let the jar sit in the pot and maintain the water temperature. Once the butter is fully melted, shake the jar to mix well and set a timer for 2-4 hours. I always try to let it sit for the full 4 hours, it seems to infuse the butter more. I’ve had success with as low as 2 hours as well though.
8. When your timer goes off, remove the jar from the water and let cool for a few minutes. Once cooled enough to handle, open the jar and strain the butter into a jar or glass bowl through your coffee filter (or t shirt) to separate the good butter from the flower. Some people eat this used flower, I throw it away. It doesn’t taste the best, in my opinion!
And that’s it! Your cannabutter is ready to add to any recipe that calls for butter. Just use exactly the same amount. My favorites are rice crispy treats, brownies and small cookies.
I highly recommend you use an Edible Dosage Calculator to find out how potent each of your servings will be. If you’re unsure of how potent your flower is, 15% is a decent, average guess. I use 10g of flower per stick of butter, and my tiny cookies regularly wind up being 50-100mg of thc! If you’re a beginner, you want to take a dose closer to 2.5mg – 10mg. So please do be careful with this, and enjoy!
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