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Get Baked With Chef Patrick – Cannabutter


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This episode has been tailored for care givers and medical cannabis patients who would like to create Canna Butter for use in medical edibles. The Get Baked system provides an easy to follow and simple solutions for at home care giving.

This is just one episode of a budding new series featuring Chef Patrick and his fun and easy to make recipes. Our goal here at Get Baked is to provide viewers not just with recipes but also Get Baked delivers educational points about cannabis, medical edibles, and managing dosages per patient.

What you will need for this recipe:
1/2 oz. – Cleaned Medicinal Cannabis
2 sticks – Butter (NOT MARGARINE)
1 cup – Water
1 sm. Crock Pot – Sold at Walgreens for around $10 or check your local retailers.
1 – container that can hold 3 or more cups of fluid.

This Video is copyright © of Get Baked Productions™ 2011.
Any distribution of this video is deemed unlawful and will be prosecuted in a court of law.

DVD’s Will be available through purchase – Coming Soon.