Florida Medical Marijuana 101: An Overview of Florida Medical Marijuana
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From the 2018 Florida Medical All-Stars Expo – Presented by Michael Patterson CEO, NHA, OTR/L, CEAS – US Cannabis Pharmaceutical Research and Development LLC. – Medical Marijuana is one of the biggest changes to the Florida healthcare system in decades! Learn the basics of this new and evolving legal medicine and how you and your company can utilize Medical Marijuana for better patient outcomes.
This video will explain…
– Understanding how Federal Marijuana law affects Florida
– Identify the qualifying diagnoses/conditions for MMJ in Florida.
– How Marijuana laws differ across the US and how it relates to Florida patients
– Explain the process of how patients can receive a MMJ certification from a Florida physician, acquire a MMJ ID card from the Florida Department of Health Office of Medical Marijuana Use, and purchase MMJ at a licensed FL MMJ Dispensary.