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The Alabama Medical Cannabis Commission is under more scrutiny following a court ruling that challenges its licensin…
The AMCC is under more scrutiny following a court ruling that challenges its licensing procedures. News 19 is North …
Welcome to High at Nine News. With your hosts, Jason Beck & Rico Lamitte, joined by industry correspondents and dai…
Penn and Nicole Mattison’s daughter, Millie, has infantile spasms with hypsarrhythmia, a form of epilepsy. By the ti…
The effects of marijuana were once feared and mischaracterized, and the fact is, up until recently, it’s use and leg…
The drawing is to determine who can operate dispensaries in the state. Subscribe to our channel:…
As Virginia’s marijuana laws loosen, will employers still penalize workers if they use medical cannabis? That’s the …
UK doctors will be able to legally prescribe medicinal cannabis to patients from the autumn. What’s in these medicin…
OMMA hearing public comment on proposed medical marijuana rules Subscribe to KOCO on YouTube now for more: http://bi…
Meet a PA medical marijuana doctor Subscribe to WGAL on YouTube now for more: Get more Susqueh…
FULL: Gov. Beshear announces results of second medical marijuana dispensary licenses Subscribe to WLKY on YouTube no…
For educational and entertainment purposes only. Here I deliver another piece of Superhero fiction based around some…
The global market for the plant is expected to grow by about 22-percent per year to reach about 66 billion US dollar…
Gov. Pillen will issue a proclamation that voters approved medical cannabis, clearing the way to create the regulato…
It could become easier for travelers to fly with CBD oil and marijuana. TSA is considering new rules to allow people…
A bill pre-filed at the state house would, if passed, make medical marijuana legal across South Carolina. Read more:…
Innocently becoming a drug addict By now we know that’s how thousands of people ended up addicted to opioids. They w…
What percentage of patients experience therapeutic benefits from cannabinoid medicine? Does this vary based on the d…
Richmond considering medical cannabis ban for its city workers For more Local News from WKYT:…
This webinar will explore the evolving role of pharmacists in the dispensing of medicinal cannabis and address the i…
Streaming now at The smell of raw cannabis allows police to search a v…
Only 13 states remain without any form of legalized marijuana, and Kentucky and Indiana are two of them. Read Part 1…
In this FDA Drug Topics Webinar, guests: Cassandra Taylor, PhD, Scott Janiczak, PharmD, MPH, BCPS, and Stephen Gala…
Marijuana or Cannabis, known to some as the stoner drug, is known for getting people“high.” It is legal in 8 states …