
Complete marijuana rescheduling timeline
Stressed about your upcoming pre-Employment or random THC drug test? No problem! We’ll guide you step-by-step throug…

Medical cannabis advocates closely watch lawmaker’s proposals
Two comprehensive bills that would regulate voter-approved medical cannabis were introduced in the Nebraska Legislat…

YouTube Description:
In this informative video, we sit down with experts from the Cannabis Clinic Cardiff to discuss…

Cannabis producers say they’re crushed by taxes, store markups
| thcscout | Medical | No Comments on Cannabis producers say they’re crushed by taxes, store markups
Six years after legalization, CEO of a shuttered New Brunswick plant says the financial model for cannabis is broken…

How to take Medical Cannabis oil and how the oil is absorbed if you swallow the oil
| thcscout | Medical | No Comments on How to take Medical Cannabis oil and how the oil is absorbed if you swallow the oil
Tips and advice from Chief Pharmacist at Sapphire Medical Clinics Carl Holvey

How long will patients have to wait for medical marijuana in Kentucky?
| thcscout | Medical | No Comments on How long will patients have to wait for medical marijuana in Kentucky?
State law requires all of the cannabis sold in Kentucky to be grown and processed in the state, but it could take mo…

Louisville firefighters union files injunction for right to use medical marijuana off duty
| thcscout | Medical | No Comments on Louisville firefighters union files injunction for right to use medical marijuana off duty
Louisville firefighters union files injunction for right to use medical marijuana off duty
Subscribe to WLKY on YouT…
Medical marijuana consultations underway in Kentucky
More than 1,400 patients have applied for medical marijuana cards in Kentucky. However, there is a specific process …

Cannabusiness: Marijuana on Main Street | Full Documentary
With billboards along side Michigan’s highways promoting marijuana sales and the retail shops sporting unique names …

Metro firefighter’s union files lawsuit over use of medical cannabis
| thcscout | Medical | No Comments on Metro firefighter’s union files lawsuit over use of medical cannabis
The suit, filed on Jan. 15, is asking the court to issue a stay on their enforcement of the policy until the grievan…

Australian Doctor Investigated For Prescribing 12,000 People Cannabis | 10 News First
| thcscout | Medical | No Comments on Australian Doctor Investigated For Prescribing 12,000 People Cannabis | 10 News First
A GP who prescribed cannabis for 12,000 in a six-month period is being investigated by Australia’s health watchdog.

The Minnesota Medical Cannabis Program: Mike’s Story
Minnesota’s Medical Cannabis Program is providing relief for patients who face challenging medical conditions.

Louisville union sues city to allow firefighters to use medical cannabis
| thcscout | Medical | No Comments on Louisville union sues city to allow firefighters to use medical cannabis
Conflicts are arising locally and at the federal level since Kentucky’s medical marijuana law went into effect.

Nearly two dozen new bills targeting medical marijuana in Oklahoma
| thcscout | Medical | No Comments on Nearly two dozen new bills targeting medical marijuana in Oklahoma
Nearly two dozen new bills targeting medical marijuana in Oklahoma
Subscribe to KOCO on YouTube now for more: http:/…

Vermont’s medical cannabis program to get a makeover
Vermont’s medical cannabis program to get a makeover
For more Local News from WCAX: For more…

Bill filed to safely regulate marijuana for those 21 and over in Indiana
| thcscout | Medical | No Comments on Bill filed to safely regulate marijuana for those 21 and over in Indiana
Bill filed to safely regulate marijuana for those 21 and over in Indiana

Pennsylvania district attorney suing to allow medical marijuana users to buy, own guns
| thcscout | Medical | No Comments on Pennsylvania district attorney suing to allow medical marijuana users to buy, own guns
Pennsylvania district attorney suing to allow medical marijuana users to buy, own guns
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Medical Marijuana: How It Works In California
With medicinal marijuana legal in California and 13 other states, some wonder whether a recent recommendation by the…

Alabama Medical Cannabis Case Update | Jan. 13, 2025 | News 19 at 4:30 p.m.
| thcscout | Medical | No Comments on Alabama Medical Cannabis Case Update | Jan. 13, 2025 | News 19 at 4:30 p.m.
The ongoing legal battle over the Alabama Medical Cannabis Commission’s licensing process is hitting another delay.

Texas Agriculture Commissioner says he supports expansion of medical marijuana, THC
| thcscout | Medical | No Comments on Texas Agriculture Commissioner says he supports expansion of medical marijuana, THC
Commissioner Sid Miller said THC products aren’t as dangerous as some prescription drugs.
Read more: https://www.kvu…

Good Question: What medical conditions qualify for a medical card for cannabis?
| thcscout | Medical | No Comments on Good Question: What medical conditions qualify for a medical card for cannabis?
Good Question: What medical conditions qualify for a medical card for cannabis?
For more Local News from WKYT: htt…

Maryland doctor describes illness caused by chronic marijuana use
| thcscout | Medical | No Comments on Maryland doctor describes illness caused by chronic marijuana use
Maryland doctor describes illness caused by chronic marijuana use

Erie lawmakers say cannabis will be hot topic for legislation in Harrisburg
| thcscout | Medical | No Comments on Erie lawmakers say cannabis will be hot topic for legislation in Harrisburg
Erie lawmakers say cannabis will be hot topic for legislation in Harrisburg
Dallas police now instructed to not arrest, give citations for marijuana possession 4 ounces or less
| thcscout | Medical | No Comments on Dallas police now instructed to not arrest, give citations for marijuana possession 4 ounces or less
The previous policy regarding possession of marijuana prompted officers to confiscate, but not cite nor arrest peopl…

Medical marijuana facility opens doors in Bellefonte
Medical marijuana facility opens doors in Bellefonte

New legislation aims to overturn medical cannabis in SD
A South Dakota man who attempted to change a ballot initiative by gathering signatures to repeal medical cannabis is…
Ohio reports $242 million in recreational marijuana sales in first 5 months
| thcscout | Medical | No Comments on Ohio reports $242 million in recreational marijuana sales in first 5 months
The sale of recreational marijuana in Ohio began last August.

Beshear: More than 750 people have applied for medical marijuana cards in KY
| thcscout | Medical | No Comments on Beshear: More than 750 people have applied for medical marijuana cards in KY
Beshear: More than 750 people have applied for medical marijuana cards in KY
Subscribe to WLWT on YouTube now for mo…
CNN: Easy to get medical pot in California
CNN’s Ted Rowlands finds out how easy getting a medical marijuana card is in California.