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We’re getting a better idea of just how many people are applying for medical marijuana cards. We found the numbers a…
A graduate student in Rhode Island was denied an internship because she takes medical marijuana to help relieve pain…
From the FSHD Society’s September 2019 webinar. With the spread of legalized medical marijuana and the passage of th…
Dr. Matthew M. Davis, director of the University of Michigan C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital National Poll on Children…
(6 Aug 2019) A Marine veteran struggling with PTSD and a woman fighting cancer became some of the first people to pu…
For the first time, the Parkinson’s Foundation is openly talking about the use of medical marijuana for Parkinson’s …
2018 Dravet Syndrome Foundation Biennial Conference Medical Marijuana in the Treatment of Dravet syndrome Charuta Jo…
A New Jersey father is lobbying Gov. Chris Christie to sign a law making it easier for kids to access medical mariju…
Michelle Terrell, Florida director of sales and marketing for medical marijuana company Curaleaf, explains how to ge…
Are you curious about the benefits of CBD oil and medical marijuana for Parkinson’s Disease? In this interview with …
ADHD and Executive Functioning Coach Jonathan Carroll offers insight into the controversial topic of marijuana as an…
This video segment serves as a short introduction and educational lesson for our MedNet21 webcast on Medical Marijua…
IBD School on Medical Marijuana and IBD with Jami Kinnucan. Co-written, produced, and directed by Clare Higgins.
NOTE FROM TED: While some viewers might find advice provided in this talk to be helpful as a complementary approach,…
Families living with an autism diagnosis now have another resource: medical marijuana. More local videos here: https…
Headstart: MANILA – Exporting medical cannabis would enable the Philippines to tap into the multibillion-dollar indu…
This is a recording of a webinar presented 6/14/18 for the National Board of Forensic Evaluators. Medical marijuana…
Parkinson Canada welcomed expert Jonathan Zaid to speak about Medical Marijuana and Parkinson’s disease. Jonathan i…
What do we do about medical marijuana in hospice and palliative care? Dr. Lida Nabati tackles this tough topic in t…
Josh Bachynski, director of marketing and outreach at Harvest Medicine Cannabis Clinic gives a primer on marijuana, … Dr. Karen Becker…
MS Learn Online is the National MS Society’s online educational webcast series. This video features a discussion wit…
Does medical marijuana help Parkinson’s symptoms? Rachel Dolhun, MD, movement disorder specialist and vice president…
Medical marijuana for the treatment of epilepsy has been a controversial and intriguing topic for the last few years…
Special thanks to Dr. Hwang for sharing her story. We believe that any ordinary person can deliver real news and com…
KCTV5 News has just obtained a list with the names of hundreds of people who want to get into the medical marijuana …
A court has concluded that Tampa businessman Joe Redner can grow his own marijuana under the guidelines set forth by…
As more states make the use of medical marijuana legal, doctors and lay people alike question its use, its efficacy …