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Fox News senior managing health editor says the genie is out of the bottle. FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-…
On 1 January, California became the latest state to permit the sale of recreational marijuana in licensed stores. Bu…
What legal substances are more dangerous than marijuana? Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedBlue! https://bit…
Justin Trudeau faced tough questions at his first Town Hall event in Sackville, N.S., where he had to defend the eth…
Jan.04 — Bloomberg’s Jennifer Kaplan discusses the impact of Attorney General Jeff Sessions rescinding a policy tha…
The national movement to legalize marijuana took a big step forward this week – and a big step back. California beca…
As recreational marijuana went on sale in California on January 1st, clients lined up at one of the authorized retai…
Cannabis can now be sold legally for recreational use in California. The change in law in the most populous American…
California begins the new year by legalizing recreational pot sales. For those buying legal weed for the first time,…
Attorney General Jeff Sessions issued a marijuana enforcement memo Thursday rescinding Obama-era guidance which let …
The arrival of the new year in California brought with it broad legalization of marijuana, a much-anticipated change…
Dozens of retailers in California have been licensed to begin selling recreational marijuana on New Year’s Day. Emil…
Pot stocks fell after the U.S. government rolled back an Obama-era policy that paved the way for states to legalize …
More than half the 50 states already allow sale of marijuana for medical use, and California has become one of a num…
Reason Magazine editor-in-chief Matt Welch and Washington Times columnist Madison Gesiotto discuss Attorney General …
The recreational use of marijuana is now legal in California. But only a few cities in the U.S. state are ready to s…
Once corporate America gets a taste of that sweet sweet weed money, it’s all over. Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Tur…
Is there anything worse than hearing someone lecture you about making pot legal while you’re smoking with them? It’…
On January 1, 2018 marijuana retailers in California can apply for licenses to sell legal recreational marijuana.
Read the Transcript: Special Correspondent Judy Muller of KCET reports from California on …
California is preparing to grapple with new regulations that will accompany legalization of recreational marijuana, …
On Election Day, voters in 4 states legalized marijuana for recreational use. California was one of those states. Me…
California will become the eighth state in the U.S. to legalize recreational marijuana in 2018. The new law however,…
California is set to legalize marijuana for recreational use, and the high taxes on pot sales may have a big side ef…