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The push to legalize recreational marijuana is once again growing in the North Carolina state legislature, as two bi…
Marijuana enthusiasts brought their own weed to the Ohio Statehouse for a rally to prevent Republican lawmakers from…
The Legalise Cannabis Australia Party are hoping to snare a senate seat in Queensland as the party has seen a rise i…
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A new analysis has revealed that most hemp-derived intoxicating products sold online contain synthetically produced …
A poll commissioned by a medical cannabis advocacy group found that a majority of Utahns would support a citizen bal…
A new bill presented in Raleigh looks to legalize marijuana throughout North Carolina. House Bill 413 is authored by…
North Carolina lawmakers are taking yet another try at legalizing marijuana. On Monday, Rep. Jordan Lopez, a Democr…
Bills that would legalize medical and recreational use of cannabis in Kansas have been introduced in the House and S…
If you are looking to quit weed or any addiction, please visit Dr. Richa Tiwari’s Channel on Youtube for excellent a…
Recalculating the Greens’ proposed legalisation of recreational cannabis estimated $11 billion would be brought into…
Mason City Council decides marijuana dispensaries won’t be allowed in city limits Subscribe to WLWT on YouTube now f…
The Ohio House has introduced a rival bill to the Senate’s restrictive marijuana reform. This one is more mild. It k…
How pot bureaucrats used legal weed to push their social justice agenda.…
Ohio Republican lawmakers continue to draft legislation restricting access to recreational marijuana, angering citiz…
Fact Check: Ohio GOP claims legalizing marijuana increases crime. It doesn’t, legal expert says. Read more: https:/…
Election Results & Cannabis Legalization: Analyzing the Impact | Cannabis Legalization News In this episode of the C…
Nebraska’s voters sent a strong message to lawmakers in November: legalize and regulate medical marijuana For more …
The voters have spoken, and now it’s time for lawmakers to regulate medical marijuana. For more Local News from WOW…
This week marks five years since cannabis was legalized in Canada, after which the first two non-government owned ca…