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How to Grow Medical Marijuana


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Secrets of the Pink Kush by Billy Budd

Become a Master Grower:
If you want to win the Cannabis Cup or produce superior cannabis then you must understand polyploids. This is the only book in the world that can provide that information. Read the book or be left in the dark…NOTHING ELSE LIKE IT.

This video is for growing high quality medical grade cannabis. if you want to grow for higher yields then see my other video from my playlist. Growing Cannabis – How to Increase Marijuana Yields.

Secrets of the Pink Kush
Volume I:
Volume II:
Volume III:

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Video Transcript:
This video is about growing the highest quality of medicine as opposed to highest yielding. Nature does not permit that you can have both, high quality and high yield but you can achieve optimal levels of both. You need to understand this fact before you start growing. This is the tree method and is good for small license holders and/or where plant count is an issue.

Do not use Sea of Green or Hydroponic or Aeroponic methods. Grow in soil. Marijuana grown in hydroponic or aeroponic systems are much weaker in taste and strength. HP Promix, earthworm castings and coco peat 6:1:1. You can change the ratios but this is more economical. Ideally you should add some charcoal to the mix to enhance the micro-organisms. Use citric acid (orange juice or lemon juice) to lower the PH in your nutrient solution instead of other PH down methods. This helps facilitate the Krebs cycle/Citric Acid cycle and enhances the uptake of nutrients.

Use garbage cans with holes drilled or containers at least 20 gallons. The bigger the better, the faster and healthier the plant will grow.

Keep the roots warm (can use enzymes) and the air temperature cold.

Grow plants as large as possible. You must vegetate for at least 2 months from clones and preferably 3 months.

Keep the lights about an elbow length away and lower when they are fully grown. Further away and higher when smaller.

Use clones from seeded mother plants only. Growing from seeds is the best but is impractical.

Growing an F1 hybrid will provide a euphoria as well as pain relief effect..

Ensure that your plants are healthy before you flip them to flowering. You can fix a plant when it is vegetating but not once it starts to flower.

Use Phosphorous and Potassium with some enzymes and hormones and will decrease the time for the plant to start flowering (hormones) and will increase the bud sites (PK).
Avoid too much Nitrogen before flipping as this will cause nutrient lock up.

Use 1000 watt Metal Halide lights for vegetative growth and 1000 watt High Pressure Sodium for flowering stage.

Use Vitamins like SuperThrive, Carbohydrates (after 2 weeks flowering) like AN Carbo Load (Molasses adds weight but has too much bite and heavy smoke), do not use AN Big Bud as it makes the buds bigger and fluffier and hence weaker, Nitrogen, Phosphate, Potassium, Sulphur, Calcium, Magnesium (Epsom Bath Salts).

Slowly increase the nutrient concentrations and avoid getting the leaves too green (too much)or too yellow (too little).

Spray neem oil weekly until 2 weeks flowering and then do not spray anything on the buds or get them wet.

Use an excellent air conditioner and de-humidifier.

Keep appropriate space and air flow around the plants. Your plants need excercise from the fans during the day time.

Use CO2. Tanks are too expensive so either use propane or natural gas burners. If you cannot afford CO2 then you could change to a high volume of air flow with normal CO2 level (quantity versus quality)

Allow the plants to fully flower to attain improved weight and THC concentrations.

Cut plant and hang upside down in dark cool area.

Trim plant after 7 days. You can trim it when you chop down if you prefer.

Dry for 2 days (no direct air but circulating around the racks) at 68% and then sweat (plastic garbage bag) for 18 hours, dry for 2 days and then sweat again for 12 hours, dry for 1 day and then bag when it snaps dry. If crispy on the outside then sweat for another 6 hours.

Know your strains. Warning: Tetraploids take extremely long to grow due to the doubled leaf set. These strains are best grown using Sea of Green or hydro/aeroponic, despite my earlier advice. The genetics make up for…see book.

Read Secrets of the Pink Kush by Billy Budd for more information.