Tag: butter
So machst Du wirksame CANNABIS BUTTER!
Written by thcscout on . Posted in Baking. No Comments on So machst Du wirksame CANNABIS BUTTER!
Bronko und Vince von Growers Life zeigen Euch, wie man das schnell und einfach selber macht – Viel Spaß!
Vince: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOiSCw7rv4DJQhTeBlOtRuQ
In dieser Sendung werden Handlungen erwähnt und/oder gezeigt, die in Deutschland für bestimmte Personen illegal sind.
Der Besitz, Handel, Erwerb, und die Produktion von Cannabis sind in Deutschland für die meisten Menschen illegal und stellen eine Straftat dar.
SensCuisine will seine Zuschauer informieren und aufklären. Wir weisen ausdrücklich darauf hin, dass die betreffenden Handlungen nicht nachgeahmt werden sollen.
How To Make Weed Rice Krispies (Edibles)
Written by thcscout on . Posted in Baking. No Comments on How To Make Weed Rice Krispies (Edibles)
Website: http://www.WeedMeds.Org
Facebook: http://on.fb.me/jCO7cF
Twitter: http://bit.ly/j5guDf
1/4 cup (4 tbls) Cannabutter
10 oz (1 bag) Marshmallows
6 cups Rice Krispy/Fruity Pebble Cereal
In a large pot (nonstick is best) melt the butter on medium heat (don’t burn it!). When melted, add the marshmallows. Stir constantly until completely melted. Add the cereal in 2-cup increments. Mix thoroughly. Transfer to a glass baking pan and quickly spread evenly over the entire pan, as the mixture cools and hardens rapidly. Let stand for 30-60 minutes until completely cool. Cut to the desired size. Enjoy!
How to Make Weed Butter ( Budder / Pot Butter / Cannabutter ) Medicinal Method!
Written by thcscout on . Posted in Baking. No Comments on How to Make Weed Butter ( Budder / Pot Butter / Cannabutter ) Medicinal Method!
This butter may be used in any cooking recipe to make knock-you-on-your-ass treats. Brownies, Cookies, Rice Crispy Treats, Hamburger Helper, ETC!
Music by: Devin the Dude
Shot with: Canon 60D
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How to Make Crockpot Cannabutter | My Magical Butter Recipe!
Written by thcscout on . Posted in Cooking. No Comments on How to Make Crockpot Cannabutter | My Magical Butter Recipe!
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Loverly Music
Purple Nurple by Alex (c) copyright 2010 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/AlexBeroza/27187 Ft: go1dfish
Marijuana butter explained in one minute – Lets bake !
Written by thcscout on . Posted in Baking. No Comments on Marijuana butter explained in one minute – Lets bake !
POTENT Weed Butter Recipe | IHavetheMunchies
Written by thcscout on . Posted in Baking. No Comments on POTENT Weed Butter Recipe | IHavetheMunchies
I take no responsibility for what you do, so be smart!
Furthermore, this is not an official “how to” video, as I’m sure this isn’t THE absolute best way to do it (as any keyboard warrior out there would probably be happy to let me know). This is merely how I’ve been doing it for some time, and those that have tried it have all wanted more.
#weedbutter #cannibutter #cannabutter #edibles #medibles
1 ounce dry marijuana (28 grams) – personally I use good end of bag material, but it would certainly be better with AAAA+ nugs gently busted down to a small mostly uniform size
1 cup butter (250 millilitres) – adjust according to however much extra you think you will need to achieve 1 cup after straining
1 baking pan
aluminum foil
pot + bowl that safely fit together to form double boiler
second bowl for straining
storage vessel(optional)
Ratio: 1 ounce dry marijuana (28 grams): 1 cup butter (237 millilitres)
If you prefer not to use butter, you can use coconut oil or whichever your fat of choice just the same.
Preheat oven to 220F (104.5C)
Sprinkle weed on aluminum foil lined baking pan into a single layer
Bake weed at 240F for around 30 minutes and AVOID peeking! Every time the door opens the oven loses temperature and you risk ruining your batch 🙁 So unless your oven runs hot, wait 25 minutes before even inspecting – and even still, keep it to a minimum. You’re looking for a very slight browning like when you dry and activate your fresh kitchen spices. Don’t overdo it!
While the weed is in the oven – get your double boiler set up and boiling so the butter is melted and ready to accept the freshly decarboxylated weed.
Once the weed has finished in the oven (decarboxylating), add it to your melted butter and give it a stir.
Now for the hardest part: WAIT
For the next 3 or more hours you must monitor both the water level in the pot you’re boiling, whilst periodically giving the weed/butter mixture a good stir.
Sidenote – the longer you let it go, the butter may become more potent but the more sleepy you’ll make anyone that tries them. This is due to the cbd breaking down into cbn. I’ve heard of people going as long as 12 hours. Personally I try to avoid this. Let experience be your guide.
Once you’re content that the mixture has stewed long enough, remove your top bowl containing the weed butter from the heat and let it cool for a minute or two.
Take some cheesecloth and lay it down as shown at about 45 degrees from each layer (not completely unfolded – just enough to catch the weed), this will help make sure the holes aren’t too large or also weak when squeezing the living hell out of it. A puncture or blowout in the cheesecloth at this point is not fun. So as much as you don’t want to lose more of the precious juice to more cloth, use as much as necessary so as to only do it once.
Squeeze. Smush. Twist. Squeeze some more. Once satisfied, throw your masterpiece in the fridge and start cleaning up!
Hep Cats by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1500022
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
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I’m just getting started and every bit helps! Also, please check out my Patreon page linked on my channel’s about page if you have a chance!
Happy Munchin!
Ep.1 – Marijuana Butter – You Won’t Believe How Simple!
Written by thcscout on . Posted in Cooking. No Comments on Ep.1 – Marijuana Butter – You Won’t Believe How Simple!
Butter is a common ingredient in most of our favorite baked goods so it’s a quick easy way to imbue your snacks with the beautiful properties of cannabis.
Cannabis Fudge Recipe – With Home Made Canna Butter
Written by thcscout on . Posted in Baking. No Comments on Cannabis Fudge Recipe – With Home Made Canna Butter
For Canna Butter:
1 cup butter (two sticks)
5 or more grams of cannabis
1. Make sure cannabis is dry and not moist
2. Reduce to a coarse powder in a coffee grinder or blender
3. Bake for 4:20 at 3:25 to convert THCA to THC
4. Melt butter. Add to cannabis minus residuals left over
5. In sealed jar simmer in double boiler for 3 hours
6. Remove and strain with cheese cloth or a common clean cotton cloth
7. Refrigerate until solid, about 3 hours.
Note: The amount of butter used with non medicated fudge is about 115 grams. The product I ended up with was about 130 grams so I adjusted the ingredients accordingly adding some more chocolate and marshmallows.
For Fudge:
4 oz. Bakers Semi Sweet Chocolate
4 oz. Milk chocolate chips
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 cups white sugar
6 oz. milk
2 – 1/2 cups small marshmallows
1 cup chopped walnuts
1. Place parchment paper in 8″ x 8″ pan with heavy objects to form a mold
2. Put canna butter and chocolate in mixing bowl, set aside
3. In saucepan over medium heat, combine sugar, milk and marshmallows.
4. Bring to a boil, stirring frequently.
5. Reduce heat to low and cook 5 minutes more, stirring constantly.
6. Add marshmallow mixture
7. Add nuts and vanilla, mix thoroughly
8. Transfer to pan and refrigerate 3 hours before serving
Dosage: Low tolerance 1/2 piece. High tolerance 1 whole piece.
I would estimate each piece contains about 40 mg. THC. Effects are felt in 30-40 minutes peaking at about 90 minutes and lasting for 4-6 hours. I took half a piece then the other half 30 minutes later and 2 hours after that I am quite blazed. Definite body high, Indica dominant hybrid with mild head high. This is the shit! Enjoy!
Disclaimer: This is for information and demonstration purposes only and done legally under California prop. 215 SB 420.
This video offers no medical advise.
How To Make Cannabutter (Guide & Recipe)
Written by thcscout on . Posted in Baking. No Comments on How To Make Cannabutter (Guide & Recipe)
Now learn to make Cannabis Tea: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YkmGUzWacQ
Learn more recipes with the Canna cookbook: http://amzn.to/1NxkyMh (amazon affiliate)
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Welcome to Lexs World! How do you cook Cannabutter also known as budder? Whats the recipe? What’s the ratio of butter to weed? Today I’m going to show it all to you in a step-by-step guide….by the time you finish this instructional video, you will be able to do it too. Bare in mind; there are MANY different ways of doing this. This is just the way I personally deem reasonably fast, easy and produces good results.
Check out my off-topic, non-weed Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMPEP9IYkN0AVBf0SJd-3iQ
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Ingredients: Deep Tupperware container, rubber bands, cheesecloth, cooking pot, ground up Cannabis without stems, real unsalted butter.
Directions: Fill a small pot of water with enough water for it to fill the bottom 2 inches of the cooking pot. Set heat to high and boil the water. Turn heat down to medium and put in 1 stick of butter (125 g or half cup) for every quarter ounce of weed you plan on using. Allow 5 minutes for butter to melt. Turn heat down to low and put in Marijuana; stir frequently for 45 min-1 hour until liquid begins to take on a glossy, shiny texture. Cover Tupperware container with cheesecloth, secure with elastic bands….pour butter/water mixture through cheesecloth. Let cool 3 minutes. Take cheesecloth and squeeze any remaining butter out into the container. Place container in fridge overnight. In the morning, poke a hole in the butter along the side, then squeeze the Tupperware container until the water drains out. And voila! You have isolated the Cannabutter! Put into your favorite recipe!